About J. G. Coleman

About J. G. Coleman

About J. G. Coleman

J. G. Coleman is a Connecticut-based landscape and nature photographer whose award-winning images are an inspiring celebration of the natural and cultural heritage of the American Northeast.

Building upon an early artistic background in sketching and painting, Coleman ultimately realized an overwhelming passion for artistic communication through the beauty and rhythms of the natural world, as well as the cultural and historical icons of Greater New England. He incorporates into his photography the full range of dynamics in our living landscape, leveraging exquisite light, ceaseless motion of water and wind, transformative power of the seasons and an inexhaustible array of shapes, contrasts, colors and textures.

In addition to extensive editorial and commercial/advertising use and gallery exhibitions, Coleman’s work has been recognized by numerous conservation organizations including the National Park Service, Connecticut Forest & Park Association and local Connecticut land trusts. Coleman’s fine art prints are exhibited in both private collections and professional work spaces alike.

Several hundred examples of Coleman’s work, spanning much of Connecticut as well as Greater New England, are available for review online. However, his full catalog includes tens of thousands of photographs which are otherwise available only upon request. You’re encouraged to contact J. G. Coleman to discuss your project and see the full range of work that may resonate with your vision and satisfy your needs.
